I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at McGill University. I work under the supervision of Jérôme Waldispühl, in the group for Computational Structural Biology at McGill, and Vladimir Reinharz, at UQAM's Computational Biology and Evolution lab. I hold a B.Sc in Computer Science and Biology, as well as a MSc in Computer Science, both at McGill University.

My main research interests are computational biology, mostly related to RNA, artificial intelligence, and citizen science games and human cognition to solve computational problems.

My RNA research focuses on algorithmic and statistical aproaches to modelling and predicting RNA 3D structure, with a focus on the prediction of specific substructures named RNA 3D modules. My most recent work leverages secondary structure sampling and size-based loop-matching to databases.

My citizen science work focuses on developing a crowd-computing game for large-scale analysis of RNA sequence data. This game has been implemented in Borderlands Science. In this mini-game within Borderlands 3, you can receive loot for playing a puzzle game. We have collected over 90 million solutions from over 2.5 million players to improve our understanding of evolutionary relationships between gut microbes. More on our website.

I occasionnaly write blog posts to update players on the scientific advances of the project they contribute to by playing the game. A few posts I recommend:

I am also Co-President of the McGill Students' Chess Club! We hold online events and weekly meetings, as well as in-person events when possible. If you are interested in playing chess, whatever your level, find us on facebook or check out our Discord server!